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DRAFT April Planning/Parish Council minutes
DRAFT April Planning/Parish Council minutes
Clerks: Beccy Macklen
& Claudine Feltham
PO Box 202, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 1BN
t: 01435 812798 e: clerk@buxted-pc.gov.uk w: buxtedvillage.org.uk
13 April 2021
Minutes of the REMOTE meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7.00 p.m.
Present: |
Cllrs. Blandford (Parish Council Chairman), Cllr Rose (Planning Chairman), Cox, Coxon, Illingworth, Marshall (19.15), Moss and Roberts Also present: ESCC Galley, Clerks Beccy Macklen and Claudine Feltham. |
Public: |
One member of the public was present. |
01/04/21 |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Bolton, Humphrey, Johnson, and McQuarrie |
02/04/21 |
DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS All councillors declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the Ionides Trust by virtue of the parish council being managing agents of the site. Cllr. Rose declared a prejudicial interest in any matters relating to the land west of Church Road (Beechbrook Park due to having owned part of the application site Cllr. Illingworth declared a personal interest in any matters related to the St Margaret’s and St Mary’s Churches by virtue of being a member of the PCC. Cllr. Cox declared a personal interest in any matters related to the allotments by virtue of being an allotment holder.
03/04/21 |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the REMOTE meeting held on 9th March 2021 were signed by Cllr Blandford as a correct record of the meeting. This was proposed by Cllr Coxon and seconded by Cllr Roberts. |
05/04/21 |
Planning applications considered:
Application:WD/2021/0555/F Deadline for response to WDC: 22nd April 2021 Location: POPESWOOD FARM, POUND GREEN LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4PL Description: A classic timber and glass greenhouse on a dwarf brick wall to be placed in the garden of Popeswood Farm. Buxted Parish Council to Wealden District Council: no objection, recommend approval. Application:WD/2021/0488/F Deadline for response to WDC: 19th April 2021 Location: 38 Mead Lane, Buxted, TN22 4AS. Description: 1.5 storey infill extension between the 2.5 storey house and garage to provide a new kitchen, children's playroom, and home office. Installation of bi fold doors to rear and 2 no. sun tunnels to main roof, dormer to front of property & chimney. Buxted Parish Council to Wealden District Council: no objections, recommend approval. Cllr Blandford asked Cllr Illingworth for an update re the land at Coopers Green application for 35 houses that was refused by Planning Committee North. Cllr Illingworth thinks the applicant may appeal the decision. The reasons for the refusal including the amount of development around Uckfield without any infrastructure in place. Members of planning committee north are getting increasingly concerned. There are applications in the pipeline for approximately 4,000 new dwellings in the Uckfield and surrounding area. Cllr Blandford voiced her concerns over traffic impact in Buxted. To consider any planning applications received after the publication of this agenda, where the details have been made public on the WDC website: None.
Responses submitted to WDC:
Application:WD/2021/0196/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 1st March 2021 Location: COXBROOK, HURSTWOOD ROAD, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED, TN22 4BJ Description: Demolition of garage and detached store. Erection of garage Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: Whilst the parish council did not have any objections to this application, they would respectfully request that WDC consider a condition for the garage to be legally tied to the dwelling so that it cannot be used as separate residential dwelling. (Cllr Cox declared a personal interest as the applicant is known to her and did not comment on this application).
Application:WD/2021/0199/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 2nd March 2021 Location: 3 ASHENGATE WAY, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3EX Description: Proposed conversion of existing garage to habitable room and replacement of central rooflight to the rear elevation. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: the parish council do not object to this application, providing that there is private parking for at least two cars maintained within the boundaries of the property, as they are aware that parking is limited in this location.
Application: WD/2021/0222/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 3rd March 2021 Location: OLD POPESWOOD COTTAGE, LIMES LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4PB Description: Proposed two-storey rear extension. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: the parish have no objections to this application and ask if WDC can please make the conservation officer aware of this application in view of possible historical value. Application: WD/2020/2647/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 12th March 2021 Location: KITCHENER'S, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3AH Description: A replacement dwelling with a new detached garage Buxted Parish Council response to WDC: the parish council object to this application on the grounds of over development of the site. The parish council feel a replacement bungalow of similar height to the current dwelling, with an increase in floor space of up to 50% would be more appropriate.
Application:WD/2021/0254/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 16th March 2021 Location: HOPES COTTAGE, 43 HURSTWOOD ROAD, BUXTED, TN22 4BB Description: Small rear extension Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: no objections. Application: WD/2021/0257/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 17th March 2021 Location: LOWFELL, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3AP Description: Erection of first floor extension above existing kitchen at rear of property. Fit bi fold doors in back of kitchen. Response from Buxted Parish Council to Wealden District Council: no objections, recommend approval, subject to any comments from neighbouring properties. The parish council are unaware of any concerns from neighbours, and unsure if the WDC planning notice has been put up on site yet.
Application:WD/2020/1088/MAO Expiry date for response to WDC: 30th March 2021 Location: LAND WEST OF FIVE ASH DOWN ROAD, COOPERS GREEN Description: Outline planning application (all matters reserved except for means of access) for the development of land for up to 35 residential dwellings. Highway response received 10/03/2021. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: Object as before (pls see below). If granted the parish council would like to suggest improvements to paths and junction that could be made, some of which are suggested in ESCC Highways report. Making the traffic lights 4 way instead of the current 3 way which gives little time for vehicles from Uckfield to turn right to Buxted. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC, submitted July 2020: the parish council strongly object to this planning application. Cllr Rose advised that he had spoken to the neighbouring councils of Uckfield and Maresfield and the general opinion was that they were not in favour of this development. The parish council had received many letters of objection for this application. Cllr Humphries (Five Ash Down Ward Cllr) had been inundated with objections for this development. The parish council discussed how this development site was not appropriate and outside of any development boundary. The parish council has serious concerns over the impact this would have on Highways. This development would connect the town of Uckfield to the hamlet of Five Ash Down and Coopers Green would lose its individuality. Five Ash Down has already seen vast development with the homes at Ashdown Place. The parish council noted the serious concerns of the local parishioners and would support their objections. Cllr Blandford understood that WDC has a policy on coalescence, and they would not support the joining up of hamlets and communities. 2 04/07/20/3 04/07/20/4 05/07/20 05/07/20/1 05/07/20/2 Whilst the parish council strongly object to this application, should the local authority decide to grant permission then the parish council would respectfully request that full consideration is given to:· Significant footpath improvements· For there to be no street lighting· Installation of a fully coordinated traffic light system to allow safe pedestrian crossing of each of the roads on this junction· Improvements to the pumping station and address all flooding issues· For a wider buffer for some of the houses on the design. Update; REFUSED at WDC planning committee.
Application:WD/2021/0500/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 7th April 2021 Location: WINSFORD, BUXTED WOOD LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4QE Description: Alterations and first floor bathroom addition. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: no objections, recommend approval. Expiry date for response to WDC: 12th April 2021 Location: SILVER BIRCHES, BUXTED WOOD LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4QE Description:Part retrospective application for the change use of land to residential garden. A second storey extension over the existing single storey side extension, two storey extension to rear, new dormer window to side, replacement carport, new front porch, and new garden office building. Buxted Parish Council response to WDC: no objection
Application:WD/2020/2048/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 6th April 2021 Location: HAVEN COURT, ETCHINGWOOD LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4PT Description: to change the use of land from agricultural to mixed agricultural and private equestrian. To construct a stable block and manege for private use only. Amendments relate to: Reduction in size of stable block, minor relocation within site and submission of ecology report. Buxted Parish Council response to WDC: as previously submitted to WDC, the parish council do not object to this application, but now note the comments and concerns made by the neighbours with regards to the position and odours from the muck heap and would request that lighting by restricted and for the private use to be a condition attached to any planning approval.
06/04/21 |
Update on applications previously considered by the parish council, and determined by the district council:
Application: WD/2020/2288/F Description: Proposed single storey rear extension Location: GABLES, FRAMFIELD ROAD, BUXTED, TN22 4PP Update: Approved Application: WD/2020/1770/LB Description: Conversion of existing dairy into accommodation ancillary to the main house Location: THE OLD MAYPOLE FARM, HURSTWOOD ROAD, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED, TN22 4AH Update: Approved Application: WD/2020/2684/F Description: Single storey conservatory to the rear of the property Location: 46 MEAD LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4AS Update: Approved Application: WD/2020/1829/F Description: Construction of a single storey dwelling and formation of a new vehicular access. Location: ROUNDWOOD, COOPERS GREEN ROAD, UCKFIELD, TN22 1HB Update: Approved
Application: WD/2017/1858/F Description: Erection of two shepherds huts for overnight accommodation in connection with horse holidays from 1st April - 31st October each year. Location: HURSTWOOD EQUESTRIAN CENTRE, HURSTWOOD FARM, ROYAL OAK LANE, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED TN22 4AN Update: Approved Application: WD/2021/0074/F Description: Proposed two storey side extension Location: FOWEY, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3AP Update: Approved Appeals Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) - Planning Appeal against Refusal of a Householder Application Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C1435/D/21/3267649 Appeal Start date: 19 February 2021. Location: QUARRY FARM, ROYAL OAK LANE, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED, TN22 4AL Description: Retrospective application for the erection of a single storey double garage with apex roof. Construction of a hard surface joining existing driveway to garage. Proposed drainage carried out (soakaway) to minimise surface water run-off. Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C1435/D/21/3267649 Appeal Start date: 19 February 2021. Application: WD/2020/0765/F Appeal decision date: 15 March 2021 Location: Tamarisk, Park View, Buxted Precis of Issues: · Justification of a condition relating to windows on north elevation. · Effect on living conditions for occupiers of neighbouring property Decision: appeal DISMISSED
Comment: Cllr Roberts spoke of a potential application on a site near to Oast Farm for 50 houses. This has not yet been received by the Parish Council. 1915 hours – Cllr Rose finished chairing the planning part of the meeting, Cllr Blandford took over to Chair the parish council.
07/04/21 |
ESCC/WDC REPORT Cllr Galley commented that the WDC new waste contract continues to work well however there appears to be an increasing about of rubbish on the roadsides. There is a programme in place for litter collection on A roads, but it has been suggested we may need to do this more often. Cllr. Galley has as a meeting with WDALC the following day to discuss B & C roads. Overall, County Council business is quiet at the moment due to the pending elections, however Cllr Galley wished to address the numerous emails between himself, a local resident and ESCC officers regarding the width of the footway between Redbrook Lane and the Toll Farm triangle and the speeds of traffic in this area. Cllr Galley has walked the path and has noted the hedge could be cut back and he will refer this to the ESCC Highway Steward. With regards speeding, the parish council has investigated this on many occasions. We do have flashing 30mph signs and the white lines were changed from the centre to the edges of the roads to give the appearance of a narrower road. Furthermore ESCC/Police do not support any further engineering works along the road. It was therefore agreed that the parish council are unable to pursue this matter any further. Cllr. Rose mentioned that a recycling vehicle had accidentally distributed some waste from the back of the lorry along an A road, near the depot, and when pointed out to the depot that all it would need was some netting across the back of the lorry, the suggestion was not met with a positive response. Cllr Illingworth wished to reiterate his response in support of the refusal of the application at Cooper Green although we now await the possibility of an appeal. He hopes that recent decisions may go some way to restore the public’s faith in the planning system. Finally, Cllr. Illingworth referred to recent fly tipping in Nan Tucks Lane which WDC cleared quickly. This seems to be happening more in the local area. He is hoping Sussex Police can get on top of this issue. |
08/04/21 |
Mobile phone coverage: Nothing to report.
Public footpaths: Nothing to report.
Road Safety: See minute (07/04/21) above. Wealden Local Development Framework: Nothing to report.
Property issues:
Reading Room renovation – Fire Safety Assessment Report - if received –Not received prior to the meeting.
Buxted Football Club -Land to the rear of the pavilion – update following meeting with owner. On 23rd March 2021 two members of the parish council, both clerks and two members of the Buxted Football Club/Bonfire Society met with the owner of the land to the rear of the clubhouse (subsequently named Jabb Farm) to discuss the issues regarding the boundary and the state of the boundary. It was established that the owner is going to remove the rubbish from the top of the earth bund, and he is planning to install a 2m green metal fence all along his boundary right from the bottom corner of his land (from the previous cut through to Buxted Park), right up to the beginning of his driveway which will run along the boundary line to the rear of the football pavilion. As he plans to do this there is little point in the parish council installing an alternative designed fence purely along the back of the pavilion. It was therefore agreed that if the owner wishes to erect a temporary fence between his land and the pavilion to prevent any access to his land, this would be for him to carry out. What is also required is some drainage to protect the back/side of the pavilion which is prone to flooding. This drainage work can also be done in conjunction with the hardstanding that will be installed at the front of the clubhouse (agreed at the last PC meeting and to be paid for by the football club). Three quotes for drainage will be obtained and presented to the parish council. The Football Club are also keen to move the concrete table tennis table from behind the Scout Hut. The chairman referred to the bench and trip hazard paving slabs at the top of Queenstock Lane. The bench and slabs have not yet been removed so Cllr Rose would chase this with the developer and confirm that the slabs do not need to be retained. It is likely a new seat will be purchased for the COVID memorial planting, to be discussed later, but this bench still might be able to be reused. Telephone Box Seed Swap – Cllr. Illingworth advised there is a carpenter who lives opposite the BT box who may be willing to create some shelves and boxes. He would investigate. Communications Matters: Nothing to report. |
09/04/21 |
P1– East Sussex Association of Local Councils (ESALC) – request for annual fee of £1,264.03 – Following the dissolution of the Sussex and Surrey Association of Local Councils, we have been advised that Trevor Leggo (working two days per week) and one member of staff will now form ESALC. An annual fee of £1264.03 is being requested. Following an email to all clerks, many other parish councils are querying the fee given the reduced amount of service which will be provided by ESALC. However, to be a member of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) you also must be a member of the local branch. All guidance and legislation provided to the council is via NALC and therefore it would seem that we have no choice but to continue to be a member of ESALC to ensure all guidance and legislation is continued to be received. It was agreed that the parish council would pay the fees for this year and the clerk will raise this matter at the next clerks meeting with regards questioning value for money. |
10/04/21 |
(i) to approve the payment list for April 4651 to 4667 totalling £12,701.97 + VAT. Proposed by Cllr. Rose seconded by Cllr. Illingworth - approved. (ii) to approve the bank reconciliations for March 2021 – noted (iii) to receive the RBS reports: EMR, Cash & Investment Reconciliation, Receipts, and payments to date - noted (iv) Account’s summary – circulated separately to councillors, to be attached to minutes – noted. |
11/04/21 |
12/04/21 |
MEMBERS QUESTIONS Cllr Coxon raised a suggestion for a notice to be placed at the dog bins that tend to become full. Not wishing to add more ‘notices’, the clerk would source stickers to attached to the bins to say, “If this bin is full, please take your dog waste home with you and report the full bin to clerk@buxted-pc.gov.uk or via the Wealden District Council website”. The clerk would also put a notice on the website and Facebook page. (Cllr galley left the meeting at 19.52) |
13/04/21 |
The meeting closed at 1956 hours. |
East Sussex County Council Ongoing Matters:
21/12/2020 |
00529461 |
Britts Farm Alleyway – access through difficult due to blocking by vegetation and fallen fence |
21/12 – passed to officers. 31/3 – map received by clerk showing part of alleyway in ownership of Highways and part Rights of Way Team. Clerk written to Rights of Way Team to ask that trees on their part (footpath 67) be assessed. 31/3 Rights of Way Team confirm the trees are on ESCC land however could be the responsibility of the landowner which ESCC are not. I wait to be advised. |
21/12/2020 |
00527587 |
Switching off streetlamps in Britts Farm alleyway, or at least switching off one on 24 hours |
21/12 – passed to officers. 26/1 – still being discussed by officers. 22/2 – resident advised that the orange light has now changed to a bright white light and is still on 24 hours (so worse situation) 10/3 – apologies from ESCC for slow response. Explanation of why lamp was changed to white light. Still looking at putting timers on lights 11/3 – Response by clerk. Crossed wires, we want the lights turned off not on timers. 23/3 – ESCC confirm they are still looking into being able to switch off lights |
21/01/2021 |
00539076 |
Blocked drain outside St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Buxted |
25/1 – passed to officer to investigate |
27/01/2021 COMPLETED |
00541323 |
Width of pavement between St Raphael’s and Toll Farm Triangle, Buxted |
27/1 – passed to officers. 9/2 – officers could not identify location they need a better description! Email response sent. 31/3 – after more correspondence between Cllr Galley, ESCC Officer Johnson and Local Resident, Cllr Galley has confirmed this matter cannot be pursued any further. Pavement is a fair width, and the hedge has been recently cut back. Engineering works and cameras will not be installed by ESCC on this section of road. |
Ionides Trust Update:
- Scout Lease – signed and completed, emailed the solicitor for digital copies. Are we agreed Dawson Hart, solicitors keep the originals in which case it should be noted where they are held.
- COVID Memorial –
Prior to the meeting the clerk circulated a plan and example cherry trees for the COVID Memorial. If agreed, it was suggested that the trees are ordered now to ensure delivery by autumn planting. The bench can be installed prior to the trees being planted. What shall the engraving be? – Cost for trees approximately £600-£700.00 and bench £500.00. The additional funds can be sourced from either parish council funds or Ionides funds. However, we must make it clear where the monies are coming from, public donations and covering the extra cost and that the trees will be planted on Ionides Land, but it is the parish council, as managing trustees, who carry out all the planning and work. Agreed and details would be included on the website. The quote for the bench would be “In Memory of all those loved and lost or severely affected during the Covid Pandemic”.
- Now that we have lost both our previous groundsman and councillor who used to help maintain the Ionides Trust land, the chairman requested that a new self-employed grounds person/handyman to help maintain Ionides Trust land (and Parish council land) be sought. This would include strimming around the fencing, maintaining the hedges, picking litter, checking, and oiling play equipment. This person could also carry out the work in looking after trees that have been planted over the years by the chairman as it is time someone else carried out the work on a regular basis! – agreed.