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ESCC Cllr Galley Monthly News January 2024
ESCC Cllr Galley Monthly News January 2024
Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation
This may seem a very dry topic, but it is of immediate relevance, and it will affect us all in terms of the services we receive and the tax we pay.
On December 16th 2024, the Government issued a White Paper on Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation.
This set out the government’s determination to establish Regional Government across the country through elected Mayors. They have also decided to abolish District and Borough Councils. They will form what are called Unitary authorities providing the full range of services currently provided by County and District Councils.
This is a White Paper which means it sets out Government intentions. It is not for consultation. Usually governments issue a Green Paper for consultation and then after knowing the consultation results, they issue a White Paper. On this occasion they went straight to a White paper.
They required an answer from County Councils by January 10th, 2025. District and Borough Councils such as Wealden were not consulted.
The basic requirement for a Unitary authority is a population of 0.5 million people. The base line for a Mayoral authority is 1.5 million. East Sussex has just over 0.5 million people and the whole of Sussex has about 1.7 million people, so they fit well into the government model.
We can either join in the first wave or wait for the second wave. The advantages of the first wave are that locally we have a chance to shape some of the details and we are eligible for funding from the government. The disadvantage of the first wave is that the government are likely to delay the 2025 County Council elections.
On January 9th, the County Council had a full debate on all these issues and the Cabinet, the decision making body, decided to apply for East Sussex to be included in the first wave. West Sussex and Brighton and Hove also agreed to this.
We now await the Ministerial decision.
Speed Management
County officers have reviewed speed limits on all A&B roads in the county and suggested 16 places where new speed restrictions will be put in place.
These include-
Speed limit reduction to 50 on the A272 from Buxted to Hadlow Down
Speed limit reduction to 50 at Horney Common to south of Old Forge Lane.
Modest signage and other changes on the A275 at Danehill.
Not as much as I would have liked but better than nothing.
January 10th 2024
Roy Galley. cllr.roy.galley@eastsussex.gov.uk
01825 713018