WDC Cllr Graham Shaw monthly update


A further October Update

I just wanted to remind you about the Community Forum next Thursday, 24th October, 6.030-8.00pm, at St. Marys Church Hall, Church Road, Buxted. I look forward to seeing you there.

Letter to Angela Rayner

In response to the various planning and housing consultations issued recently by government (see my previous updates) Rachel Millward, Leader of Wealden District Council, and James Partridge, Deputy Leader, have written to Angela Rayner

(Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government).

I thought I would share that with you, and it is attached. It expresses our frustration about the constraints that are placed on councils like Wealden to properly respond to increasing the supply of the kind of homes the evidence suggests we need in Wealden, balanced with ensuring environmental concerns are taken seriously.

Rachel was also interviewed yesterday on Ashdown Radio. You can hear that here:


As ever if you have any comments or questions, please email me, or come and raise that next Thursday!

Additional Documents

Letter to Angela Rayner.pdf